UUID based Common Name Validation <Certificate Model>
HiCan anyone let me know more info. aboutthis topic?I basically want to know ifthis methodis talking about generating a CA- signed certificate from any trusted third party CA server with UUID as the 'subject' for the certificate instead of traditional IP address or FQDN.I got this topic as one of the secuirty enhancement from WinHEC presentation. Hence want to learn more info. regarding this.Is it only implemented in Windows7?Thanks,Arun
April 8th, 2009 3:43pm

Can you point me to more information? Right now I'm not sure what you are refering to. CA servers are server based, but Win7 is just the client side.Was this at a Winhec 2009 or 2008 presentation?
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April 19th, 2009 8:42am

HiYes it is in WinHec 2008presentation.For your reference, presentation name is ENT-T543_WH08.ppt
April 27th, 2009 3:45pm

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